Genre-spanning, Dove Award-winning vocalist Lynda Randle is set to ring in the season October 16 with the release of White Christmas, her first full-length holiday offering in more than a decade. The 11-song Gaither Gospel Series release, available for pre-order now, was produced by Jason Clark (The Singing Contractors, Michael English) and Randle. The project’s title-cut is now available on digital platforms.
Quintessential holiday favorite “The Christmas Song” opens the album, its nostalgia-laden arrangement putting Randle’s warm, rich vocals front and center. Additional highlights of White Christmas include the gospel-fueled “Go Tell It on the Mountain” and carefree “Winter Wonderland,” both featuring Randle’s brother, GRAMMY-winning dc Talk founding member and Newsboys frontman Michael Tait. An internationally-inspired new rendition of “Do You Hear What I Hear?” as well as “The Loneliest Christmas”—a holiday love song written by The Nelons’ Jason Clark and Kelly Nelon Clark—further showcase Randle’s ability to seamlessly traverse classic, Southern Gospel music and worship soundscapes.
“I’ve always loved Christmas and Christmas music, so making this project was truly a joy,” says Randle. “We know the real meaning of Christmas is the birth of our Lord Jesus, and that’s the reason we celebrate—not just at Christmas, but all year through. In these unprecedented times, we need the hope, peace and joy of Jesus more than ever; and I pray these songs will mean as much to those who hear them as they do to me.”
“My producer, Jason, did a wonderful job helping create such special arrangements of these Christmas favorites,” she adds. “The duets with my brother, Michael, are a highlight of the recording; and I especially love ‘Sweet Little Jesus Boy,’ which celebrates the humility of Jesus. And ‘Thank You Baby Jesus’ is a moment of worship that closes the album in such a fitting way.”