September 25, 2020

The Mark Dubbeld Family Premiere New Concept Video, ‘Righteousness Again’ in Support of The Washington Prayer March 2020

 The Mark Dubbeld Family and Song Garden Music Group release today the group’s newest concept video, “Righteousness Again“, exclusively through YouTube & Facebook

In support of The Washington Prayer March 2020 event which is a dedicated prayer march and is focused solely on asking God to heal our land. Franklin Graham states “America is in trouble. Our communities are hurting, our people are divided, and there’s fear and uncertainity all around us. Let’s join together and do the most important thing: pray!”

The song ‘Righteousness Again’  written by Janene Dubbeld is from the group’s new project ‘Changeless’ and produced by the Multi Award Winning Artist and Ochestrator Trey Ivey. This song is based on the scripture Proverbs 14:34 Righteouness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people.  “This the heartcry of our family as we pray for the restoration and renewal for our nation” states Mark Dubbeld lead vocalist and groups owner.

“Righteousness Again” calls us all to humble ourselves and pray for our nation.