January 7, 2021

Detty Family News

 The Detty Sisters are a group of sisters from southern Ohio.

The girls all started singing when they were babies in their home church. One of the first songs Peyton and Cadie started singing was “Can’t Cross the Bloodline” at the age of 2 and 4 years old.

Mom Amber stated, “What we were doing at our church was no different than what we did at home. It isn’t something that we do, it’s what we live and love to do. The girls would sing and learn new songs all the time bringing people into worship and joy in their hearts. In August of 2018 the Lord called us to do something a little different and way out of our comfort zone. He said what we are doing at our church and in our home, I want you to share it with the world. That is exactly what we began to do.”